See how my research has been showcased in the Media!
Press Coverage
Radio and TV Interviews
- Radio Canada International (Radio): Spider personality changes after tiny exposure to pesticide – 8 September 2015
- CJBK (Local Ontario Radio) – 18 August 2015
- CJAD (Local Montréal Radio) – 17 August 2015
- 702 ABC Sydney (Radio) – 11 August 2015
- CBC News Montréal (TV): Even the tiniest of creatures have personality – 10 August 2015
- CBC Radio Montréal Homerun – 7 August 2015
Popular Science Websites and Blogs
- Discover Magazine Inkfish: How Spider Personalities Affect Pest Control
- Science News for Students: Insecticide can change a spider’s personality
- CBC News Technology & Science section: Pesticides cause personality changes in spiders, study suggests
- The Wildlife Society: Insecticides Alter Spiders’ Personalities and Behaviors
- Smithsonian Magazine Website: This Pesticide Doesn’t Kill Spiders, But It Does Mess With Their Heads
- Futurity: Insecticide changes helpful spider’s ‘personality’
- McGill University Press Release: Pesticides: more toxic than previously thought?
Popular Science writing
- Royauté, R., C.M. Buddle and C. Vincent (2014) Effets des insecticides sur les syndromes comportementaux d’une araignée sauteuse. Antennae 21, 3-5.
- Royauté, R. (2013) Les araignées sauteuses du Québec. Antennae 20, 10-11.
- Buddle, C.M., C. Ernst, M. Hervieux, S. Loboda, A. MacLeod, T. Maloney, C. Levya Mancilla, R. Royauté, and A.M. Solecki. (2011) Status of entomology in Canada: crisis or opportunity? Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Canada 43, 141-147.
Lay Summaries of Scientific Articles
- Under the influence: how insecticides affect jumping spider personalities
- The effect of insecticides on jumping spider personalities
- Spiders after snow melt
- Contaminant as a neglected source of variation in behaviour